Ask about our hands-on communications training. For example, we offer two-hour expert sparring sessions for those in charge of communications and other personnel, such as sales teams who require marketing communication skills in their work.

Since companies, skills and needs are different, we can also tailor a training package for your company complete with preliminary assignments.


  • Needs assessment
  • Preliminary assignments
  • Training: approx. 2 h including around 0.5 h introduction by one of our experts and 1.5 h workshop (either remote or in person)
  1. Needs assessment: Electronic background survey
  2. How to convince your target audience? Your company’s competitive advantage and its wording; key messages to target groups, such as customers and investors
  3. Social selling: Strengthening your personal profiling, networking and active interaction on social media (LinkedIn profile)
  4. Effective communications and marketing routines: Planning, selection of channels, production, partners; guidelines for marketing communications strategy and/or outline of content plan
  5. Earned visibility and media relations: The difference between your own visibility, purchased visibility and earned visibility; principles of media relations, media outreach in practice
  6. Basics of content marketing, search engine visibility and digital marketing: How to reach the right eyes online with relevant contents, authenticity and engaging visuals
  7. Influencer marketing: Identify the right influencers, learn the rules of the game, agree cooperation, indicators and reporting, evaluate results
  8. Basics of crisis communications: Identify and prepare for crisis situations, protect your company’s reputation and peace of mind, guidelines for planning crisis communications
  9. Communicate responsibly – dimensions of sustainable business: Responsibility at the heart of business operations, interaction with key stakeholders, and responding to their expectations in communications and marketing
  10. Employer image and recruitment communications: How to create an attractive image as an employer and develop your own pool of experts to serve your company’s HR strategy